Gabriele Niedermayer

Gabriele Niedermayer, Mag. (FH) (Library and Information Science at the University of Applied sciences in Eisenstadt/ Austria)

Office Management

e-mail: gabriele.niedermayer(at)

Gabriele Niedermayer worked as office manager at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Social Psychiatry for seven years. She performs literature searches and analyses for research projects.

She is co-author of:

Straßmayr C, Niedermayer G & Katschnig H: "But you know Mr. M., you won't get hospitalised" - A qualitative study on service users' experience of seeking psychiatric inpatient admission. Neuropsychiatrie 33(2019)98-106. [in German]

Katschnig H, Niedermayer G, Sfetcu R, Schmidt-Michel P-O: The problems of family members of people with mental health problems in Transylvania. Results of a needs assessment study.
Report [in Romanian]